Thursday, August 24, 2017

"BEACH FUN" photo exhibit at Santa Monica Main Library

Dateline: Thursday afternoon, August 24, 2017... with this exhibit ending soon at the end of the month, I hurried over there today and took a look at this modest exhibit.  There are several photos of note. It is a small exhibit. Two standing displays with photos on each side, perhaps a total of merely 24 photos. I wouldn't make a special trip to see it but if you are in the area it is worth a look.

Here are some of the highlights; fyi:

The 1550/15 Parking Lot, below...

SMS 16 and adjacent...

Junior Lifeguard training, above and below...

Fame Santa Monica City beach lifeguard Bob Butts, who I am informed was with the OSS during WWII, shown here below, with two lovely young ladies... and he is wearing what looks like the original CHURCHILL fins on his feet!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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