Thursday, July 6, 2017

Venice Reconn: Thursday, July 6, 2017

Dateline: Thursday, July 6, 2017 at and after 11 a.m. approximately at Venice Beach at Venice HQ, Ave 23 and Ave 26... where we encountered the Venice JG's, as well as lifeguards on duty.....

Below, JG's gather... with LACo OL/JG Instructor, Bengi Garcia, at center in foreground...

JG's waving to the cameraman above and below. And that is LACo OL/JG Instructor, Tyler Contarsy at right in the grey long sleeve rash guard, blue shorts and blue baseball cap...

Below, today was "Chips & Salsa" day for these Venice JG's !...

Below, next in line for chips and salsa... these dudes are ready!...

Out to sea a couple of hundred yards beyond the end of the jetty at Ave 23 is a group of Venice JG's on their paddleboards with their instructors getting sprayed by the fire hose of one of the LACo Baywatch rescue boats!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch JG Paddleboard Shower: The Video

Below, OL Julian Perez, on duty, watching the water, at Ave 23...

#VIPER Fins (courtesy of Julian Perez)...

"Foot Bucket & Fins"...

Venice JG "A" Instructor/Veteran LACo OL/Ph.d, Steve Contarsy...

Chairman of the board(s), above and below, OL/JG Instructor, WADLEY...

Above and below, Venice JG Instructor/LACo OL, Toby Contarsy, who recently graduated from UCLA!...

and then it was time to hit the road.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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