Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017: Will Rogers, Santa Monica North, and Santa Monica South...

As I arrived at the parking gate at Will Rogers State Beach at PCH and Temescal Cyn. Road, I suddenly noticed veteran LACo OL, Randall Fenderson, riding his bike and apparently on his way to Will Rogers Tower #4 for his shift at 10 a.m.... and so I grabbed my point and shoot camera and yelled, "Randall!"... and here is the resulting photo!

Dateline: Sunday morning to early afternoon, I walked from WRHQ to SMS Tower #26, took a buoy swim, and then hoofed it back to WRHQ by 2:30 pm...

Here are the photos of this thirst inducing hike...

At Will Rogers Tower #15, I found veteran LACo OL, Kent Morris, on duty..., shown below filling out the tide board as part of the opening procedures...

Veteran LACo OL, Zach Zerbe, below, at SMN Tower #4...

At SMN Tower #8, veteran OL and tower opener, Kenny (can't spell his last name... sorry!  :-)

Veteran LACo OL, George Hale, below in a series of photos at SMN Tower #15...

On the south side of the Santa Monica Pier at SMS Tower #18, Rookie LACo OL, Molly Garcia, cleans her tower windows, as part of the opening procedures.  Well done!  No excuse not to do this at home now, that's for sure?!... right mom?!...  :-)  x-ref: Garcia Clan (Bengi, Sebastian, Molly).

Check out that squeege swipe!...

Meanwhile, just a few minutes before 12 noon, I arrive at SMS Tower #22, where veteran LACo OL, Kevin Maxwell in on the ramp with the rescue can and his double/partner, veteran LACo OL/Paramedic, Nick Sullivan, has just arrived for the 12 - 8 shift.  (x-ref: SMS "A Team").

Below, at SMS Tower #24, veteran LACO OL, Bruno Tapia...

Time for the Blackball flag at Tower #24, below...

Above and below, at the buoy off of SMS Tower #26...

Below, Bruno on a foot patrol to enforce no surfing in his area now that it is blackballed!...

Just on duty out of SMS Tower #25, below, is rookie OL, Kevin Schwimer...

Kevin stops to help out Bruno...


Meanwhile at the main station along SMS, Tower #26, veteran OL, Charlie Patch, watches the water, coffee cup in hand!...

*** And then it was time for a buoy swim... with fins..... where I discovered (newly promoted) Baywatch rescue boat Captain, Matt Rhodes, at the helm of the remaining Baywatch tied up at the buoy...

Exiting the Tower #26 area and heading to Perry's At The Beach for some lunch, I captured the photo below of the Baywatch at the buoy off of SMS Tower #26...

Hey!  Check this out!...

Back at Tower #20 at Bay St., below... the OL on duty goes on a foot patrol to separate swimmers from surfers in her area...

SMS Tower #17 below...

SMS Tower #16, below, next to the Santa Monica Pier...

Back on the north side of the Santa Monica Pier, check out the crowd now that's it around 2 pm at SMN Tower 1550 just north of the pier!!!...

Tower #12 below...

Above and below, OL Kent Morris, on duty at WR Tower #15...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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