Sunday, July 9, 2017

Saturday, July 8, 2017: Santa Monica South

Dateline: Saturday, July 8, 2017, along Santa Monica South... A Stunning HOT day at the beach... so Hot that you HAD to wear sandals across the soft dry "Scorching" sand!...

Below, upstairs at CSHQ, Capt. John Greger, on duty...

Below (2 pics), on duty, at SMS Tower #16, rookie OL, Misa Acosta, watching the water...

Below, OL Acosta on a foot patrol with his rescue can held up high!  Well done!

Workin' and Livin' the dream, below, L2R, OLS Chad Carvin and OL Kevin Maxwell, in the area vehicle along SMS!...

Above and below, at SMS Tower #22, Veteran LACo OL, Justin Kirby...

Below, rookie LACo OL, Ryan Keith, on duty at SMS Tower #24...

Below, on duty, at SMS 26, Veteran LACo OL, Kevin Maxwell...

Below (3 pics) is Veteran LACo OL, Brandon Leon, policing his area at SMS Tower #18 at 1100 hrs as part of his opening procedures. Shown here picking up #beachtrash inside his tower's coned vehicle access area, gloved up and with a plastic bag in hand!  Well done, Brandon.  X-Ref: LACo Ocean Lifeguards doing their part to remove #beachtrash.

Below, the views (3 pics) from SMS Tower #17 at approx. 11:50 a.m...

Early afternoon view from the deck of SMS 17 toward the Santa Monica Pier...

Below, late afternoon Stunning View toward Ocean Park and Venice from SMS Tower #17...  It was a sea of umbrellas from Bay St. past Ocean Park from the tower line to the shore... this photo with a point and shoot camera does not do the density of the thousands of umbrellas in the distance justice!...  Staggering crowds at the beach enjoying the cooler temps!

Crowd thinning after 7 pm along Santa Monica South...

Stunning clouds and skyline just after 8 pm...

Dusk settling in...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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