Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Santa Monica JG's + Dolphins!...

Dateline: Santa Monica South between Towers 28 and 29, at and after 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 11, 2017...  the photos and videos.....

Below, with yellow rescue can raised is Veteran LACo OL/Santa Monica JG "B" Instructor, Bruce Moncrief...

Below, the "A" Group of JG's complete a buoy swim, led by "A" Instructor, John Baltz...

The "B" Group musters to the back of Tower #29 to the starting line for their upcoming "M Course" run swim run swim run.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

Reconn of "B" Group at "M Course Starting Line: The Video


Look carefully below and you can see a pod of dolphins that showed up just inside the surf line and in amongst some JG's on paddleboards!...

Below, a dolphin at center frame!

 *** Video Alert ! ***

"M" Course Start: The Video


*** Video Alert ! ***

"M Course" First Out of The Water: The Video


These Santa Monica JG's really are getting some excellent training and they are having a great time doing so.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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