Sunday, June 18, 2017

SMS Summer 2017 - Day #1


Dateline: Sunday morning, June 18, 2017 along Santa Monica South. The First Day of Summer Schedules, Summer 2017!... Below are the photos plus one video which I took while on this off duty audit of SMS!...

DO THE SHUFFLE!... First Stingray Injury of Summer 2017 along SMS happened at just about 0920 hrs at Tower #22! 

Tough kid this 18 year old surfer with the stingray injury... not his first either, according to him.

Back up was called which included our lifeguard units and SMFD in their ATV...

I continued my walk toward the pier and noticed one of the Baywatch rescue boats off of Tower #17...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch on Patrol: The Video

And then I continued on toward the Santa Monica Pier...

SMS Tower #16, below...

Captain on duty keeping an eye on the stingray injury at Tower #22...

2nd buoy swim audit of my new DMC Fins (see below).  Love em!  On the way back to shore I slipped the left fin off to see if there would be any banging of the other foot by the blade of the fin.  Only a couple of grazes to my left big toe. Definitely no banging on top of my left foot my the fin on my right foot.  Also, caught another great right hand wave out front of SMS Tower #26 and a cute young female distance swimmer watched and when I came up from the tumble wet finish... she exclaimed with a big smile, "How fun is that?!"...  True story but also, albeit, the end of this story...

SMS Tower #27, below...

SMS Tower #28, below...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.

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