Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Recheck √

Dateline: Tuesday, June 13, 2017, the annual OL Recheck at the Training Center in Manhattan Beach, California... Here are the photos and videos from today's recheck.

0600 hrs at RANDY'S DONUTS!...

Oh Baby!... Check out those donuts!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

0630 hrs Recheck Swim Course Reconn: The Video


Above and below, veteran Zuma OL's and brothers Dick and Ed Heinrich arrived a half hour early as well.

Fin Drill scheduled after the recheck swim!  Awesome!...

This device below is a very useful tool and it measures the depth of your compressions and the rate you are performing CPR!...  An exceptional training tool!

*** Video Alert ! ***

Kilroy's Swim Fin iPhone Music Amplifier: The Video


More Donuts!... 3 boxes for the JG Staff, courtesy of a JG Parent.  Shown here is Mrs. Ryan Barry, aka, OL Coral Kemp.

Bob Kilroy's new tattoo!...

Recheck swim time!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

CB Demonstrating Fin Drill: The Video


The Sandman!...

 I guess it is true what they say...  WATCH THE WATER!

Hey, look it's Hubbell and Doman!... Blake and Tommy Jr., that is!

1999 Rookie Class photo wall plaque, cameo appearance of...

OL Bill White preparing his lunch!...

And then the day's recheck came to an end and someone looks happy to be finished!...


Post Recheck Celebration...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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