Friday, May 5, 2017

Cinco de Mayo along SMS...

L2R, above, OL Matt Mohegan and Capt. Tom Seth at Tower #20 at Bay St.
Dateline:Friday, May 5, 2017 along Santa Monica in the late afternoon and early evening.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Baywatch on Patrol: The Video

Below, notice the continuing yellow algae bloom along Santa Monica South.... yuck!.....

Undaunted, however, below is SMS local and veteran State Beach Lifeguard, Tom Snyder (and retired L.A. City/LACo OL), just about to hit the surf for his daily constitutional, e.g., ocean swim...

And below, closing up Tower #24 is OL Shane Gallas who is on his way to finish his shift at Tower #20 at Bay St...


Until next time......

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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