Thursday, May 11, 2017

2017 OL Recheck Reconnaissance...

Dateline: Wed., May 10, 2017, early afternoon... On this day I arrived unannounced to get a look at the buoy course set up for this year's OL Recheck swim.  It was reassuring to find that the buoys were set at what appears to be the correct distance, rather than closer to Catalina....  :-)  as occurred one year in the recent past but enough about that.

I also brought along a Ginormous Glazed Donut for THE CHIEF only to find out he is currently out on injury due to knee surgery...  So his Donut was left up for grabs and on the first floor there were a BUNCH of new OLS's being trained to be Recheck Trainers so hopefully they got in on the carbs...

In any case, please follow along if you so choose..... here are the photos of our trip to the Training Center, plus a short video of the buoy course as well.

Below: Pizza trivia..... Part Owner of Blaze Pizza is apparently Lebron James who was recently quoted with respect to a question as to why he invested in this franchise:  "Who doesn't like pizza?!"
Well played Lebron!...

Holy Moly!... Look at all the trucks and such and the road construction on Rosecrans!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

2017 OL Recheck Buoy Swim Course Reconnaissance: The Video

More road construction on the escape from So. Bay...

Free At Last!...

 OK, to all you Recurrents still on the list:  If you are not yet swimming in the pool, GET STARTED ASAP!  Showing up out of shape is not acceptable.  Suck it up and get it done!  10-4.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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