Sunday, April 9, 2017

Saturday Sequel: Strafing SMS and Venice North...

Dateline:  Saturday, April 8, 2017. And so begins another walk along the shoreline from the Santa Monica Pier to the Venice Breakwater which we started at approximately 1:15 pm...  Here are the highlights of this journey with photos of lifeguards on duty, etc. et al...

SANTA MONICA SOUTH!...  OL Dan Truax, on duty, at SMS Tower #16 (Dan is a first band OLS selection and is awaiting assignment and is currently enjoying his spring vacation, as it were, before his official promotion.)

The overnite rain sent water out to the ocean at the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain... look at that new cut in the sand!...

This seagull below was showing off in hopes of getting some of the donut I was munching on.  It worked!...

OL David Walters, on duty, watching the water at SMS 24!...

 VENICE!...  Overnite rain filled up the storm drain at Rose Ave. in Venice! Spectacular !

And HEAD'S UP!... this latest storm brought in more tar plotches, which is all over the tide line and mixed in with a great deal of storm debris...

... lovely.....  :-)

And next we found OL Colin Goddard with the ATV "Mule" at Brooks Ave...

Arriving at Venice Breakwater, I am greeted by OLS Andrew Czer... and many thanks to Andrew for having a paper towel and some some WD40 to remove the tar from my foot!  :-)

And then it was time for ZELDA'S Corner Deli!... on the Venice Beach boardwalk at the corner of Westminster and Speedway... but don't tell anyone!.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

The Venice Boardwalk: The Video

Below, the three basic food groups: coffee, donuts and bacon well done!...  Well done, indeed!.....

Two of the avenue towers being held back in storage for a few more weeks... or is that the respective ages of Bob V's and Toby C's dates?!...   Hey Now!...  


Very, very windy today!...

Back in Santa Monica, here is a shot of SMS Tower 26 taking a beating from the afternoon onshore wind!... and take a look at the white caps!...

And check out the new overnite 4 - 6 foot cut in the sand at water's edge at the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain due to the overnite rain...

and last but certainly not least, I spied local Santa Monica celebrity/photographer, Fabian Lewkowicz, aka "Santa Monica CloseUp", doing what he does best.... taking photos and videos!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

(All photo and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017).

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1 comment:

  1. Great story as always! Keeping us informed in pictures!
