Sunday, April 2, 2017

and then The Fog rolled in...

Dateline: Sunday late morning, April 2, 2017, along Venice Beach at Avenue 21, a fog bank is first observed south of Marina Del Rey and the Venice Pier...

*** Video Alert ! ***

and then The Fog rolled in: The Video

Below, the lifeguard on duty at Ave 19 watches the water.... as it disappears in the gathering fog.....

Below, veteran OL Joe Decker at Ave 23 in the developing fog...

Below, the view from Ave 23 looking toward the Venice Pier...

had to hit Zelda's Deli at Speedway and Westminster for the mini-donuts and a cup of coffee!...

and I tried something I had not tried before: the turkey chili with kidney beans!... Delicious!

... and back in Santa Monica the fog had landed as well...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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