Sunday, February 12, 2017

Will Rogers Reconn: February 12, 2017

We know you've all been jonesing for another Will Rogers Reconn blog post, esp. some of our veteran LACo Ocean Lifeguards in the South Bay!... So here it is!   The first of hopefully many more to come in 2017!  #woohoo  #bringit #central

Pt. Dume shout out!... #HeyJake!

Will Rogers Lifeguard HQ, below...

Below, Santa Monica Pier from far...

Below, shout out to Santa Monica North!...

Below, Tower #8 at Temescal Cyn. Road was open...

Tower #8 at Sunset was also open, and chek out in the foreground below at the Bel Air Bay Club where a tractor is building up a steep berm to protect the beach club which is pretty much running out of sand...

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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