Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mike Murphy's Super Bowl Sunday Boat Rescue...

Dateline: Super Bowl Sunday, February 5, 2017 along Santa Monica South between Towers 24 and 25, OLS Mike Murphy spots a 20 plus foot sailboat getting to close to shore and drives the truck down and tries to hail them with his horn and siren to no avail... whereupon he paddles out on the rescue board.  It turns out the sailboat's motor was overheating and the sailor was trying to sail back to the Marina and with the light winds was having a bit of trouble... to say the least.

We also spotted the lifeguard at Tower #20, OL Eric Weizenegger, grab his rescue can and boat tow while he was on his on duty workout and run down to back Mike up...

Here are the photos and videos...

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Video #1: Mike Murphy's Super Bowl Sunday Boat Rescue

and here comes the Call Car.....

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Video #2: Mike Murphy's Super Bowl Sunday Boat Rescue

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Video #3: Mike Murphy's Super Bowl Sunday Boat Rescue

Back on the beach, below, Mike Murphy chats with the Call Car crew...

It was fun to watch our lifeguards in action and their training and preparation showed itself. And everybody went home safe!

Respectfully submitted,

"County Recurrent" News

(Photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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