Sunday, November 27, 2016

Will Rogers Reconn: Nov. 27, 2016

Dateline: Sunday afternoon, Nov. 27, 2016... we took a walk out to the bluffs above Will Rogers Lifeguard Headquarters because we knew that some of our So. Section readership has an interest in it...  :-)

Check out the new(ish) handicapped beach access path shaped like a "T" (as in Torres?...)


After departing the bluffs, we finished up our walk with a set of stairs (x 3) and then sauntered over toward retired OL/OLS/Firefighter, Mike "Newmie" Newman's house, who we found restoring some antique family furniture in his garage... after chatting with Newmie for a few minutes we inquired about his famous cookie jar and it's status...

Permission was granted to conduct a reconn of the aforementioned cookie jar.... and here is the video and two photos of our findings!...

Cookie Jars dead ahead just left of door frame!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Newmie's Cookie Jar: The Video

Mission Accomplished!... plus pie!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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