Sunday, October 2, 2016

Surf Trip to California in a 1960 Studebaker!...

Dateline: Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 at Will Rogers State Beach at Tower #15... shortly after I arrived at Tower #15 an hour early at 10 a.m. to take an off duty swim, a couple of young surfers arrived and set their boards down on the berm along with an ice cooler and beach towels.....  it turns out that these two young dudes were surfing ALL DAY!... with some breaks for cokes and sandwiches in between..... How do I know?  Because as I got to my car just after I got off duty at 7 pm, there they were tying their boards to the roof of their 1960 Studebaker!!! with Oregon plates!!!

Tris and Kaleb were their names and they were from Klamath Falls, Oregon!... and they had hit the road a week or so earlier bound for So. California to surf!  The Studebaker was solid underneath the hood with Tris explaining that he had rebuilt it all and it was "good to go!"...  It was a classic vehicle with its original interior, as well as it's, albeit faded, original exterior paint. These guys were also sleeping in it at night.  Definitely, a great surf trip and memory for these young lads.  

I took a few photos and a video of their car with their consent and here they are for your enjoyment. 

***  Video Alert ! ***

1960 Studebaker Surf Buggy: The Video

I sure hope to see them again on their next surf trip so we can point them to some other SoCal surf spots!... I also told them that they were smart to take this surf trip together at their age and they smiled and said that back home their family was not so happy about So Cal. surf trip!... Classic!  :-) 

As I pulled away and they finishing up securing their board to the roof of their car, I yelled to them, "Happy Trails!".....  (although I was left with the impression that they may not have heard that expression before...)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I drove through K.F. last summer en route to WA state for and IMT assignment. I bet these guys are having a blast of a surf trip. Good on them. Friends, exploration, the road, the ocean, and that ride. I love it.
