Sunday, October 9, 2016

Southern Section Invades Central!...

Dateline: Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016...  If you are not seated, you might want to be for the headlines about to be aired here!

Veteran So. Section LACo OL Shane Gallas is now working in Central Section!...

 Ave 26, Venice Beach...

I kid you not!...

and if that weren't shocking enough!... upon our return to Santa Monica South about an hour later, we see.....

Veteran So. Section LACo OL, Greg Crum, Esq., making a rescue off of his tower, namely, SMS Tower #24!!!.....

First we noticed Central Section Veteran LACo OL, Toby Contarsy, trotting down from his tower, namely, SMS Tower #22 towards Tower #24... and as it turns out, to back up Greg...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Rescue Aftermath: The Video

This might just be the first time we've actually witnessed an active LACo OL / Recurrent LACOLA Representative / Attorney at law make a rescue too!...  :-)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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