Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Labor Day 2016: Santa Monica North...

Dateline: Monday, Sept. 5, 2016... aka, Labor Day 2016.  Santa Monica North as observed from Tower #6 and Tower #4.....

OL Zack Zerbe, watching the water at SMN Tower #4...

On a workout, OL James Parrish...

Walking tall and on his way to boot a couple of soccer players from the Snowy Plover Protection Area, OL Morgan Wallace...

Lifeguard convention at Tower #8 below...

On duty at Tower #6...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch Santa Monica On Patrol Along Santa Monica North: The Video


Below, OL Zack Zerbe, heading home at 1700 hrs after an 8 hour shift at SMN Tower #4...

Sunscreen and sunglasses, etc. at Tower #4...

That's it!  The final sunset of our Summer 2016... as observed from SMN Tower #4...

On the last vehicle patrol just shy of 1930 hrs along SMN is OLS Mike Gavola...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Summer 2016 Is In The Books: The Video



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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