Thursday, August 18, 2016

Santa Monica South: Morning Reconn...

Dateline: Thursday morning, August 18, 2016... along Santa Monica South.

The Photos and Video...

OL Brandon Leon below at SMS Tower #22...

Tower #24, below, on a workout...

and who does it turn out to be but OL Evan Blaney on his last day of the summer before heading off to U.C. Berkeley tomorrow where he will soon start his freshman year!...

Tower #20 on a workout below...

 OL Scott Snyder, below, at SMS Tower #26...

and in the ongoing saga of too much trash left uncollected by the City of Santa Monica between the berm and the water line, below are samples of the trash we collected and photographed this morning along SMS...

Below, is all the trash I collected in a medium sized trash bag between Towers #16 and #18 between the water line and the berm this morning, which I dumped out beside a trash container for the purpose of photographing it AND thereafter swept it all up into the trash container.  My comment to all this trash left uncollected by the City of Santa Monica is the same word that described one Captain's commute to CSHQ this morning (see video to follow below)...

Sadly, below, a dead cormorant in the wet sand along the water line which we collected carefully and disposed in one of the trash containers on the soft sand...

Last but not least, we check in with one of Central Section's Lifeguard Captains as he drives by in his vehicle and ask about his commute this morning during which he got caught up in a major traffic jam at PCH and Topanga Canyon Blvd. where there was an early morning big rig crash...  He answers our question about how his commute was with one word... watch the video to find out what it is...

*** Video Alert ! ***

How Was Your Commute: The Video   


x-ref:  Big Rig Crash story link



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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