Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday On SMS...

Dateline: Sunday morning, July 17, 2016 along Santa Monica South.  We began our day from the parking lot behind Tower #28 adjacent to Ocean Park...  Join along if you like.....

Nice shape to some of these tasty set waves below...

SMS Tower #26, the wheelhouse of SMS!... L2R on deck, Capt. Brent Katzer and OL Chris Newman...

OL Chris Newman sweeps the ramp... as we get a shot of the "Mike Murphy Foot Bucket" pedestal which is back in play, er, on duty today...

LR200 OLS Rebecca Gilman at left, below, conferencing with SMFD medical team that patrols the beach in Santa Monica.....

Head high set below!...

Nice sailboat...

Sheriff's boat on patrol heading back to MDR...

On duty/on a workout OL, below, watching the water with his binoculars... a very good example of watching your water and remaining vigilant even when you are on a workout!...

Sun safe positioning at Tower #22 by veteran OL, Justin Kirby...

SMS Tower #20 OL, Scott Garinger, below, on a rescue board workout...

On duty and opening up Tower #18, below, is OL Sebastian Wurvee...

Below, OL Brandon Leon, at Tower #16, grabs his rescue can and heads out on a foot patrol and to make some preventions....  Tower #16 has been very busy this summer with large inshore holes and a persistent rip current.  We hear that Brandon had multiple rescues yesterday and Mike Peoples had 14 rescues there on Friday!...

Back on deck at Tower #16, OL Brandon Leon, watching the water, and sporting the department's new Patagonia long sleeve quick drying crew neck sun protective shirts!...

Below, one of our Baywatch rescue boats patrols SMS...  and that is when we recognize the deck hand as he ran by us on the hard pack on his workout while the boat captain stalked him from just outside the surf line...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch Deck Hand Emerges From Ocean: The Video

Below, OL Scott Garinger, has it made in the shade at Tower #20...

OL Justin Kirby at Tower #22 still watching the water!...

OLS Alex Vicente, below, at SMS Tower #26, motioning with his arm... or else he is practicing Tai Chi.....

Below, the life of Riley... board shorts √  surfboard √  skate board √

Morning Surf √

Below, OL Chris Newman, making three preventions signalling swimmers away from a rip...

this dude below needs to workout more...  not!...

Still watching the water and saving lives, below, OL Mike Peoples!...

(note: anecdotally, check out this L.A. Times article from February 1995 regarding an off duty rescue that Mike made while riding his bike along the beach in Ventura, California!...  which resulted in Mike being awarded the Medal of Valor that year!   (and Thanks to OL Brand Heinrich for the heads up about this event 21 years ago!)):



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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