Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Santa Monica South: July 12, 2016

SMS Hat As Worn By Veteran LACo OL, Brandon Leon
Dateline: Santa Monica South, Tuesday morning, July 12, 2016... an off duty foot patrol with camera in hand, plus fins.....

Nasty inshore holes and rip just south of SMS Tower #16...

where we found veteran LACo OL, Chris Murphy, playing around... enjoying the heck out of the free ride share program.....

By the time we walked one tower length to Tower #17, we noticed an abundance of trash left behind by beachgoers yesterday... in the photo immediately below we collected about a dozen pieces of trash in a display...

So much trash, in fact, that this miniature hippo below, left by someone on the tower railing at Tower #17 was shouting:  "Pick up your trash!"...

Continuing on toward Ocean Park..... we observed OL Brandon Leon, on a foot patrol out of Tower #22, which made for a great photo opp. to capture him from a distance swinging his rescue can!...

Below, the rip off of SMS Tower #26...

Below, OL Chris Newman's breakfast... a PB&J sammich!...   How many of these sandwiches have you had while lifeguarding?...

SMS Tower #26...

Check out the inshore hole and rip directly out front of SMS Tower #26!  It is GNARLY!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

The Gnarly Rip Out Front of SMS Tower #26: The Video


Below, SMS Tower #28 being opened for the day.....

Below, the equally if not more so, Gnarly inshore holes and rip out front of SMS 28!...

Santa Monica JG Instructors, below, L2R:  Bob Valandra, Bruce Moncrief, and Dave Carpenter...

JG's huddled up and getting instructions on the next drill.... a open water swim into and out of the gnarly rip at SMS Tower #28!...   :-)   #woohoo

Back at SMS Tower #28, we find veteran OL, Justin Kirby, on his ramp watching the water and holding a coffee cup at the same time!

Talk about "steady nerves!"...

And right smack in front of Justin's tower is just a vicious gnarly set of inshore holes and a monster churning rip!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

The Gnarly Looking Rip Out Front of SMS #28:  The Video


Below, a nice looking powder blue Chevy surf van in the lot behind SMS 28...

Below, Pro Tip!...  OL Stephen Leon out of SMS Tower #26 opens up Tower #27 to set out the traffic cones to create the vehicle access zone in advance of the day's beach crowd!...

Below, the JG's take to the ocean.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

JG's Take A Swim: The Video


Check out that rip again at SMS Tower #28, below!...

Back at SMS Tower #29, the JG's play in the surf prior to their swim to and through the SMS Tower #28 rip current.....

Then I jumped in the water with my fins and joined the JG's in their swim and rip current reconnaissance, which was a lot of fun!...

Back on shore, I grab my camera and get another shot of the SMS Tower #28 inshore holes and rip current.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

 JG Rip Current Training: The Video


After the swim and rip current reconn, JG Instructor, Bob Valandra, below, congratulates his JG's and tells them to give themselves a pat on their back... which he demonstrates with both alacrity and flexibility!...

Can't take enough photos of that Tower #28 rip!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

OL Justin Kirby And The Gnarly Rip At SMS Tower #28: The Video


... and then we headed on back toward SMHQ and along the way said hi to the crew at SMS Tower #26... including OLS Alex Vicente striking a pose on the deck...

Below, OL Brandon Leon, watching the water at SMS Tower #22, and featuring his #SMS lifeguard cap!...

Below, adjacent to SMS Tower #20, we noticed that the tar balls have returned... be careful where you step!...

Below, the rip out front of SMS Tower #18... where a surf school (unwisely) chooses to conduct its lessons.....

back at CSHQ...  for one Captain it looks like llunch time.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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