Saturday, June 11, 2016

The 2016 Santa Monica Pier Paddleboard Race & Ocean Festival

Dateline: Saturday, June 11, 2016 on the Santa Monica Pier... open water one mile swim, run-swim-run, dory races, paddle board races, SUP races...  you know the drill so here are the photos and videos for your viewing pleasure.....

We arrived just as the one mile swim got started...

*** Video Alert ! ***

One Mile Swim; Out Through the Surfline: The Video

Below, a female swimmer is treated for getting hit by a sting ray on the way out through the shallows...

SUP warm ups...

At this year's event, as in past years, were Tom and Georgina Volk, below, who both paddled for the Manoa Paddleboard Club on the Santa Monica Pier in the late 1940's and 1950's.  Tom was also for many years a beach lifeguard for Santa Monica City and worked with the likes of Pete Peterson, Bill North, Tom Zahn and many other notable guards.

Tom and Georgina, back in the day...

Photo source; Manoa; Santa Monica Pier Paddleboard Race & Ocean Festival

first dory race in progress below...

Finishing second overall in the speedo (only) division is none other than Veteran LACo OL (Ret.), Grant Levy, below, as well as first in his age group!...

Below, Veteran LACo OL, Danny Ching, after winning his first event of the day...

Below, first out of the water in the open run-swim-run is a very fit and lean female swimmer...

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First Out Of The Water: The Video

And there she is in the middle collecting her trophy for her first place finish in the run-swim-run, below...

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Dory Race Excerpt: The Video

Below, at right, Veteran LACo OL, Danny (Cha) Ching collects a big check for his First Place Finish!...

and later after all the awards were presented to the winning athletes, the legendary surf guitarist, Dick Dale, took the stage and it was epic!...

... in the crowd enjoying the music was Veteran LACo OL, Anthony Vela, at left below with a pal of his...

Another great Santa Monica Pier Paddleboard Race & Ocean Festival, indeed!  


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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