Friday, April 15, 2016

North By Northeast... Off shore and blown away on Santa Monica South

Dateline: Late morning, Friday, April 15, 2016... our arrival at approximately 10:30 a.m. at CSHQ gave us an opportunity to witness the powerful winds out of the northeast that were blowing the palm trees and sending sand across the beach and out into the ocean...  Here are the photos to prove it...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 •  Old Glory Blowin' In The Wind: The Video

•  SMS Blown Out: The Video

Fortunately, they poured the concrete yesterday out front of CSHQ...  for the new recurrent sauna, jacuzzi and training center..... per an area Captain (pictured below).....

Check out the flattened sand, the wind blowing across the sand and the off shore effects on the surf!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Extra Gum Wrapper and the Wicked Winds Along Santa Monica South: The Video

Blown over...

SMS Tower #26...

Atten Hut!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Surfboards In The Sand: The Video

Venice North...

Rockstar... in the sand

Venice Breakwater...

On our return trip back to CSHQ along came Ocean Lifeguard Bill White when we had just passed Rose Ave...

***  Video Alert ! *** 

Riding Shotgun with Bill White: The Video

One trash can got blown out to sea.... literally and so Bill rescued it and carried it back on shore.  Who knew you could bring in the trash?...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Trash Can Surf Rescue: The Video  (all one second of it...)

And as it happens, Bill was on a mission to deliver time cards to CSHQ and offered me a ride back which I happily agreed to, esp. seeing as how the wind was blowing sand in my face...

On our way toward CSHQ we stopped and said hi to OL John Nugent at SMS Tower #20 and collected his time card for delivery to CSHQ...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Video #2: Riding Shotgun with Bill White



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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