Monday, February 15, 2016

President's Day Central Section Reconn...

Dateline: Monday, February 15, 2016... late afternoon on President's Day we conducted a reconnaissance of Will Rogers, Santa Monica North and then got an extra credit bonus air and sea training operation being conducted by the USCG and one of our Baywatch rescue boats!...  see for yourself...

Will Rogers Tower #8, below...

Will Rogers Tower #4 is open too!...

Atten Hut!... WRHQ

Will Rogers Tower #18 open for business too......

With air temps over 80 degrees Fahrenheit on the sand.... lots of people decided to go to the beach to celebrate the holiday...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Central Section Overview: The Video

... and check out the cars lined up in the parking lot behind Will Rogers Tower #8 at Temescal Cyn Road and PCH... the limited options for circulating traffic continue to reveal this to be one heck of a bottleneck...  Perhaps some signage directing beach patrons to exit south of WRHQ or the more recently added exit from the parking lot north of Temescal Cyn. Road.  This entrance and exit is a real issue for lifeguard personnel as well.

 Good call opening Tower #4 with people on the sand and in the ocean...

Veteran LACo OL Bill White, on duty, below, at Will Rogers Tower #8... fully in the glare of the sun's rays!...

And out to sea... we notice a USCG Helicopter training in tandem with one of our Lifeguard Rescue Boats.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

USCG and Baywatch: Video #1

*** Video Alert ! ***

USCG and Baywatch: Video #2


.... and 'they' do say that the salt air is good for us..... so why not a salt water spritzer...... 


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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(All photos & videos by and Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

p.s. Don't forget to smell the ros..., er, flowers...

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  1. Wow, these photographs are just breathtaking. I am in love with these brilliant views. Thanks for this wonderful share. I have also been making list of such beautiful outdoor venues in Los Angeles for our engagement party. I wonder if anyone can help me in this!!

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