Sunday, January 17, 2016

Saturday At The Beach...

Dateline: Saturday, January 16, 2016 (MLK Weekend)...

In the early afternoon we walked along the soft sand from the Santa Monica Pier to the Venice Pier and stopped and said hello to each of the guards on duty at SMS Tower #20 and #26; Navy St., Breakwater, Ave-23, and Venice Pier...  We also got to see one of our Baywatch Rescue Boats on patrol from Venice to the Santa Monica Pier and then saw them again as they headed past the Venice Breakwater heading toward MDR...

Here are the photos and videos to prove it.....

*** Video Alert ! 

Baywatch On Patrol: The Video


"Ocean Wet Daily"!...  Do you recognize the OLS standing up out front of SMS Tower #26, waist deep in the ocean, in the photo below?...

Here are some more clues.....



*** Video Alert ! ***

Birds Of A Feather: The Video


Venice Breakwater...

Below:  "Who Are Those Guys?!..."

Ave-23 below...

Below, OL Vic Navarro watching the water at Ave-23!...

Venice Pier, below...

Winter Storage - Venice (near Westminster)...

SMS Tower #25 below...

SMS Tower #26 below...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

***   ***   ***

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