Saturday, December 26, 2015

Stingray v. Surfer At Ave-26!... Strafing SMS and Venice!...

Dateline:  Saturday, December 26, 2015... a walk along the soft pack and hard pack from CSHQ to the Venice Pier and back along the boardwalk...  Photo proof to follow...

Big time Off Shore Winds...

How to sweep a ramp... courtesy of OL Eric Waizenegger (at SMS Tower #20)...

And we kept going and found ourselves in Venice...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Old Glory At Navy Street: The Video


Below, OL Ricardo Monroy at Navy St...

OLS Jesse Simon at Breakwater, below...

Stingray victim (aka, French Surfer) being attended to by OL George Akopyan (out of Ave-26) and Capt. John Greger...  I asked the Frenchman how long he had been in California and he said about one month.  I then asked him if he had ever stepped on a stingray before and he said no and then I said, "Welcome to California!"...   :-)   He laughed which helped ease the pain.  The stingray got him right in the middle of the bottom of his foot and his pain level was above 7 until his foot was placed in the stingray bag and filled with hot water...

We continued on to our goal of making a flip turn at the Venice Pier and knocked on the deck and said hi to OLS Eric Liberty... who said so far it was a quiet day... and unlike the late afternoon boat distress and boat rescue he and Capt. Sean Lemm responded to by both swimming out to the boat down further on the Venice Peninsula the previous Saturday... and yes they both wore their spring suits and kept the boat out of the surf line until the Baywatch rescue boat arrived.  10-4. Well done Sean and Eric.

.... after a Medium Vanilla Latte at the near by Cows End Cafe we headed back to CSHQ by way of the boardwalk.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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