Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday: Strafing Santa Monica South AND Venice South...

Black Friday, November 27, 2015...

We began our reconnaissance this afternoon at CSHQ and then walked to SMS Tower #26 and back...

***  Video Alert ! ***

 SMS 360 Degrees: The Video

Below, SMS Tower #20, OL Bill White on duty...

Thereafter, we plotted our course with our next destination as Venice Pier...

Arrival at Venice Pier... check out the berms to protect the parking lot and adjacent businesses and residences along Venice South...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Black Friday At Venice Pier: The Video

Below, OLS Eric Liberty on duty "watching the water" at the Venice Pier...

*** Video Alert! ***

The View From Venice Pier: The Video



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Lifeguard T-Shirt Remnant from "back in the day"...

(All photos & videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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