Sunday, November 1, 2015

1600 hrs: November 1st Fog Bank...

A heavy marine layer moved into Santa Monica Bay this afternoon... after doing an online reconn of beach cameras...with near zero vis at Bay St. (aka, SMS Tower #20) and reduced visibility at Ave 19 in Venice (see screen shot below).

we set out for the bluffs above Will Rogers Lifeguard HQ in Pac. Pal., CA...

Will Rogers Tower #15...

Sunset Blvd. at PCH in background below...

Heavy fog in tree line and along roof lines along SMN...

SMN Tower #4 is open for business in the fog below...

and after a few minutes... it appeared that the fog bank was giving up the ghost... as it were.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015, except as otherwise indicated.)

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