Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sept. 1st, 2015: "Have You Got Your Days In Yet?!"...

Kiss it Goodbye!  The 2014-15 Rating Year is History, it's in the books, it's in the can.  Didn't get your days in?!...  Good luck with that!...

As for today, Sept. 1st, 2015... It's A Whole New Rating Year!  In fact, Chief Moseley sent out a memo today on just this point...


Along SMS this morning we saw several LACo Ocean Lifeguards working on their Day #1 of this new 2015-16 Rating Year!  Kudos to John Baltz and David Walters who were were working SMS Towers #20 and #22, respectively.

When we saw OL Baltz he was just combing his hair after his on duty workout where he said he shredded some waves in the 3 - 4' range with plenty of shoulder and decent shape.

Next, we saw OL Walters on his on duty workout catching some waves as well and we may have to nickname him "Big Wave Dave" because he was catching wave after wave when we swam out to say hi, with our DaFins on, of course... followed by a bodysurf and shoreboat wave up the berm with sand scraping my chest...

SMS Tower #22, "On A Workout..."

OL Walters Waiting For The Next Set...

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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