Monday, September 7, 2015

Santa Monica South: Labor Day 2015

Dateline: Monday, Sept. 7, 2015, aka "Labor Day"... Late Afternoon Off Duty Foot Patrol from SMS #27 to Tower #16 at the pier, plus a Buoy Swim out to Baywatch Santa Monica (with our GoPro camera) at the buoy off of SMS Tower #26...  and here are the photos to prove it. It was all hands on deck with multiple rescues and a gazillion preventions being made up and down Santa Monica South according to the LACo Ocean Lifeguards we spoke to between 5 pm and 7 pm...

We begin at SMS Tower #27 with OL Dave Walters on duty!...

Check out the crowds still hanging around at 5 pm!...

OLS Charlie Piccaro, below, on the deck at SMS Tower #26...

The view of the crowds from the deck at SMS Tower #26 after 5 pm!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

SMS Late Afternoon Labor Day 2015: The Video

Below, The A Team... at SMS Tower #26...
L2R: OL Kevin Williamson, OL Cooper Moeschler, and OLS Charlie Piccaro

and then it was time for a buoy swim... with fins, of course...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch Santa Monica at the Buoy: The Video

Below, Baywatch Rescue Boat Captain, Jay Butki

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  360 Degrees At the Buoy: The Video

 •  Wet Sand At the Shoreline: The Video

Below, OL Ryan Aaronson, watching the water from the hard pack at SMS Tower #25...

And at Tower #24, it is OL Kelci Barnes on duty (who is part of the BCMB Family Mafia, e.g., Brouwer, Contarsy, Makuta, Barnes)...

OL Jacob Smith, below, at SMS Tower #22...

And believe it or not, it's the "Leon Brothers" doubled at SMS Tower #22!..

Leon x 2!...  L2R, Brandon and Steve...

And at SMS Tower #18 it is none other than Veteran LACo OL, Chris Ro...

At SMS Tower #17, OL Brandon Henry Snell with 14 rescues today!...

At Tower #16, on the ramp, OL Amanda Mohagan, and on the sand out front OL Jackson Hauty..

... and then we made a flip turn and headed back to SMS Tower #26 and along the way took some more photos, plus a video...

Below, Labor Day Designated Hitter-Veteran LACo OL, Marco Rodriguez, helping out at SMS Tower #16...

OL Amanda Mohagan making preventions...

OL Brandon Henry Snell practicing his first aid skills and helping a citizen with her abrasion on her knee...

An empty PHILZ COFFEE mojito...

The guards are mixing it up at Towers #20 and #22 to stay fresh and focused. Below, L2R,
Samm Lambour and Brandon Leon...

At SMS Tower #22, L2R, Steven Leon and Jacob Smith...

Now that looks like the way to set up some umbrellas and chill out in the shade on Labor Day!

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Double Prevent at SMS Tower #25: The Video

And then the sun finally sets on Labor Day 2015... as OL Ryan Aaronson explains to a patron how he recognizes a rip current...

OL Kevin Williamson, below, watching the water.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

Labor Day 2015: The Sunset

The sun has set but our lifeguards are still watching the water...



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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