Sunday, August 9, 2015

Privateer + Ave 23 = Shockable Rhythm...

Dateline:  Saturday, August 8, 2015...

0900 hrs, Hiring Captain calls and schedules assignment at Privateer from 12 to 8 pm... woo hoo!  No crowds, beautiful water, all lifeguard towers open...  sweet!

the commute down Pacific Ave. thru Santa Monica, Venice.. to the Peninsula...

I arrived early at approx. 1030 hrs to secure parking and enjoy the weather with a reconn of the Peninsula... my first ordinance enforcement did not go well... woof!

Privateer at approx. 1030 hrs...

Working an extra shift on one of the rescue boats, Capt. Brian Lanich, on a run and swim workout from No. Channel to the Pier...

 shadowed by Baywatch Skipper, Matt Rhodes...

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  Baywatch: Shadow Patrol

 •  Baywatch On Patrol: The Video

We took a run and walk up to the pier and along the way caught up with OL Jay Chong on duty at Ketch and just opening up at 1100 hrs... who was stoked to find a crew from Beaches & Harbors having swept his ramp and deck and cleaning up trash around his tower... I asked him if he would like a cold beverage too but he declined...

OL Toby Contarsy, on duty at Driftwood... the guy is everywhere, though this is the first time this OL has seen him in person in red shorts on duty!...   :-)

OLS Eric Wylie volunteered for an extra shift at the Venice Pier... Bravo!

And then we worked our way back to Privateer for a swim and a short roll around in the hot sand... And here are two photos below of the 180 plus degree view from the deck of Privateer just prior to starting my shift at 1200 hrs... check out the low density crowd and the absolutely stunning weather !  :-)

Where is everybody?!... This is definitely not SMS, SMN or the Avenues!...  :-)

At approx. 1400 hrs... the LAPD made an ordinance enforcement apparently for an open bottle of wine... which we surmised after using our binoculars...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch To The Rescue...

At approx. 1615 hrs, our area supervisor drives by after the boat rescue by Baywatch off of Galleon and says to close up Privateer and drive over to Ave 23.... I respond: Oh F......antastic!...  (tower shut, Gobi Desert re-traversed, drive car up Pacific Ave.... thru gauntlet of traffic leaving the beach at Washington St., and Venice Blvd., and past a tourist parked in the middle lane with his emergency lights flashing, blocking all traffic at Speedway!... and his reason?!... he was waiting for the parking attendant of the Venice Blvd. lot to remove the LOT FULL sign... I asked him to move his car because he was (obviously) blocking traffic.

...... and somehow I was able to arrive at Ave 23 by 5:02 pm, much to the relief of OL Ricardo Monroy who was off at 5 pm!... see photo below...

Ave 23:  NOT low density!...  Fortunately, OL Maxie was at Ave 21 and was all over it; and OL Barry Snyder was at Ave 26, so I knew there was a good team in place to watch the water!

and before we knew it the sun was going down and it was time to close up shop...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos & videos by and © Will Maguire 2015.)

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