Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Livin' & Workin' The Dream...

Dateline: Santa Monica South, Wednesday morning at 0900 hrs..., August 5, 2015...

Below, L2R, Capt. Eugene and Capt. Julio, working on the schedule...

Workouts in progress along SMS...  L2R, LACo OL's, Chris Ro and Justin Kirby... livin' and workin' the dream...

Below, per Justin: "You should have been here yesterday!..."

Tools of the trade.....

This week's SMS Poster Guard is none other than LACo OL, Taylor Manuel, shown here returning from a paddle board workout...

LR 200 (aka, the Central Section Call Car), driven by OLS Jay Hopkins; and riding shotgun, OLS Todd "Tex" Ribera...

Atten Hut!... CSHQ...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)


p.s.  Post-workout refueling... at the M Street Cafe on Main St., in Santa Monica.

Fourth and Wilshire...

Classic "Cortina" parked in the garage at the office... just showin'...

***   ***   ***

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