Sunday, August 2, 2015

Intracrew 2015: Photos & Videos

Dateline: Hermosa Beach, Calif... Friday nite, July 31, 2015...

 Our escort vehicle ahead on Highland as we crossed Rosecrans... turned out to Central Section Chief Linkletter!...  thanks for the short cuts and moving screen!...


*** Video Alert !  

Pre-Intracrew Crowd Video

6 Man Paddleboard Relay in progress...

Below, Classic shot!  At left, Sam Stevenson (son of Mike and grandson of Bud), with veteran LACo OL, Scott Hubbell!

*** Video Alert ! ***

Watch here as two paddlers run up the beach to see which of their teams will finish second and third!

Intracrew 6 Man Paddleboard Relay: The Video


Woh!... is that dude in the photo below with the surfski naked?!...  What team is that?!...  :-)

*** Video Alert ! ***

... and the home of the Brave!... Coral Kemp: The Video

And the winner is....  Team Manhattan Beach!

*** Video Alert !

Manhattan Beach Intracrew Team Victory: The Video


 And the winning team of the 2015 Intracrew Relay, for the second year in a row, is Manhattan Beach!

and then the evening's events were completed and we made our way off the beach and while we did so we saw some more friends...



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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