Friday, July 3, 2015

The 2015 Medal of Valor Dinner & Ceremony: Thursday, July 30, 2015

Just in from retired Sec. Chief Dave Story; re: Medal of Valor Dinner, Thursday, July 30th, 2015:

2015 Medal of Valor Award Dinner

Medal of Valor
Ed Butts
Steve Sturdivant
Nick Facer

Distinguished Service
Matt Samuel
Kari Scoggins
Special Recognition
Natalie Anzavino
Brent Bowen
Kyle Dalby

Memorial Tribute
Ben Carlson – Newport Beach Lifeguard died in the line of duty while making a rescue in large surf.
Tom Barnett – LA Co. Lifeguard passed away after long battle with cancer.
Brian Kutil – LA Co. Lifeguard died during a recertification swim from heart complications.

Lifetime Achievement: Scott Hubbell

Host City Award: Hermosa Beach

Introduction of the 2015 Wieland Shield Team (California vs. Victoria, Australia) as well as two lifesavers from England.


Medal of Valor

Ed Butts
Rescue of two victims from Gorge-3 at Abalone Cove. Ed ran down the trail at Inspiration Point and rescued two unconscious victims who had been trapped by large surf (6-10 feet) in Gorge-3. After pulling both victims to safety they were airlifted to a waiting ambulance by an LA Co Air Squad.

Steve Sturdivant
Rescue of several victims and vessels during severe storm in Avalon Harbor. On January 30th 2014 Deckhand Steve Sturdivant acted heroically during one of the worst weather events to hit the city of Avalon in 50 years. Steve managed to save the victim of a vessel dashed into the rocks and destroyed. He saved Baywatch Avalon from damage and possible grounding. He repeatedly entered the water on that night with a severe chill factor into frigid winter waters even though he was shivering and suffering from initial stages of hypothermia.

Nick Facer
Rescue of surfer in storm conditions in Ireland. While on vacation in Ireland with two coworkers from the Torrance Fire Department Nick rescued a surfer in gale force winds and 8-12. The surfer had been pulled offshore by a huge rip current and high winds. Nick had to paddle hundreds of yards before reaching the victim who was by then too exhausted and cold to battle his way back to shore. Having him hang onto his leash Nick paddled them both through the wind and surf. A rescue helicopter and lifeboat were also sent to the scene. When the helicopter arrived they decided not to risk winching their crewman down to the pair because they saw Nick had things under control. Conditions were so rough that the Irish rescue boat that was dispatched never made it to the scene. Three men on the boat were injured in the attempt, two requiring hospitalization. Nick completed the rescue on his own clearly saving the mans life.


Distinguished Service
Matt Samuel
Kari Scroggins
Matt and Kari rescued a surfer off the Malibu Pier in huge surf. The surf at the pier jumped from a solid 6-feet to some devastating 20-foot sets when a surfer lost his board near the pier. Matt and Kari came off the beach without hesitation. When they got to the victim it looked like they might become pinned to the pier. Set waves were breaking 50-yards outside of their position making it impossible for Baywatch Malibu to assist so Matt and Kari swam their victim out through the incoming surf where they were picked up by Baywatch Malibu.

Special Recognition
Natalie Anzavino
Brent Bowen
Kyle Dalby
Civilian rescue of unconscious surfer off the Manhattan Beach Pier. Natalie, Brent and Kyle were surfing off the Manhattan Pier when they spotted a surfer floating face down in the water. Seconds earlier the victim had hit a pier piling head first. Using Kyle's body-board as a backboard as well as floatation, the trio worked to bring their victim to shore through a series of set waves. As they neared shore they were met by lifeguards back from rescues on the other side of the pier.

Lifetime Achievement
Scott Hubbell
One of the lifeguards strongest competitors and superb watermen, Scott, through his company, has continued to provide funding for lifeguard competitions and philanthropic organizations throughout the years. Without his support it would be impossible to put on the International Surf Festival. Scott is also known for his work as the Director of Marketing for the Department of Beaches and Harbors and as a producer of the popular television show "Baywatch".

For the complete and full version of Scott's contributions to lifeguarding, please see the attached linked posting:


To RSVP for this event, please go to RaceMill on the web:



"County Recurrent" News

(Courtesy Notice/Disclaimer:  "County Recurrent" is not affiliated with the International Surf Festival. This is a courtesy notice and announcement made at the request of the ISF.)

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