Sunday, July 12, 2015

Southern Section Stingray Shuffle...

Dateline: Saturday, July 11, 2015, from So. Section...

From: "Adam Sandler"
Date: July 11, 2015 4:57:10 PM PDT
To: "Will Maguire"
Subject: Southern Section springs Into Action


Took these images this morning shortly after a paddle off Southern Section -- and before hitting Wahoo's in Manhattan Beach. Feel free to use.

Just as the 45 St. tower guard was preparing to get in a workout (note the Can dug into the sand in the pics), a surfer hobbled from the water toward the tower.

It was Surfer v. Stingray, and as usual in these encounters, the stingray won this round.

The Call Car responded Code 3 - note that the Southern Section OL's are the first to be using those shiny new Toyota Tacoma trucks with the low profile light bar and flashing LED's embedded in the engine grill - and took over treatment. While they did a full assessment and patient work up, the Area 16 truck brought the hot water for the soaking of the injured extremity to mitigate the toxins.

 After around 30 minutes of treatment, the surfer was released. I'm guessing this surfer's run in was one of several more Stingray MT calls throughout the day. (FYI: On my paddle, the water in spots felt 70 degrees and at times a bit warmer = prime stingray habitat.

The incident reminds us all that it is the time of year to always do the "Stingray Shuffle."


*** Many Thanks to Adam for his report and photos from So. Section.  We could use some more intel, commentary and photos from So. Section... to share with our readership.  Hint, hint...  Even links to other blogs or to news article would be helpful. 


"County Recurrent" News

(Photos herein by & Copyright Adam Sandler 2015. Used here with permission.)

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