Thursday, June 25, 2015

"And Now, For Something Completely Different***...", by Adam Sandler

"And Now, For Something Completely Different***" -- patrolling the west end of Zuma Beach.

by Adam Sandler

(editor's note: in what could also be the longest titled blog post to date too...)


While on a run this morning with the dog, I noticed something different on the sand at Zuma.

As a result of the sand erosion over the winter and the shrinking beach, the OLs at Zuma have a new toy; I mean safety vehicle. Known by many names: Gator, side-by-side, ATV and MUV (multi-use-vehicle), the brand new utility vehicle was put into service today. (see pic).

At the time these photos were taken -- 1030 hrs at Zuma Beach near Tower 13 -- the engine had just 2.3 hours on it! Eventually, the MUV will be outfitted with a light bar, siren, pa and paddle board rack. The MUV will be used to go into sections of sand too narrow for the usual Call Car, mainly at the west end of Zuma and adjoining Trancas Beach.

It was delivered by the Dive Team truck yesterday (see pic), whose occupants may or not have stopped for a snack when the picture was taken.

By the way, as you know the County's deal with Ford expired a couple of years ago, so the Ford Escape Call Cars will be phased out and replaced by the newly designed Toyota Tundra's in the coming months. And Chiefs will get spanking new Toyota Sequoias.

(Editor's note: with respect to the Toyota Tundra's... as previously posted by "County Recurrent" in an exclusive Spy Photo, dated June 16, 2015, below:

(Spy Photo by & © Will Maguire 06.16.2015)

We've used these MUV's in Australia for many years (see pic) for largely the same reason; the length of the beach and a shrinking sand footprint. We also have sleds that attach to them to transport the IRB's.

*** For our younger readers, "And Now, For Something Completely Different" is a well-known phrase from the Monty Python show (x-ref: ).

Adam Sandler

Lifeguard - Paddler - Media Guru


Many Thanks to Adam for sharing his remarks and photos with all of us.  Photos (except as otherwise indicated) & Story by & Copyright 2015 Adam Sandler. Used here with permission.)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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