Tuesday, May 12, 2015

#SMS #Central #Workout #Surf #InshoreHoles

Dateline: Tuesday, May 12, 2015, at approx. 3 pm, along Santa Monica South (aka, SMS)...

Gnarly and Ginormous inshore holes all up and down SMS!...  Out front of SMS Tower #26, for example, there are deep inshore holes just a few feet from the water's edge... just sayin'...

SMS Tower #20 was opened for an afternoon shift and OL Ellington got the call...  Same deal at Tower #20 with respect to the inshore holes. Inside and close to shore the holes are huge and while talking to Cheri there was a swimmer out at the surfline off Tower #22 who was in waist deep water, whereas he had been over his head closer to shore... just sayin'...  gotta watch those swimmers and kids close to shore getting dragged into the holes and over their head in the blink of an eye...

Unfortunately, a "tagging" crew was apparently busy last nite because they spray painted their graphitti all over Tower #17 and the CSHQ storage container. 

#SMS Vella Vella...

Last but not least, a Quiz:  What is 7 feet tall and watches the water?


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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