Saturday, March 14, 2015

Zuma Beach: In The Camera's Eye...

Dateline: Friday, March 13, 2015

Believe it or not... these are not aerial photos of Zuma Beach.  The photographer, Adam Sandler (also a freelance correspondent with "County Recurrent"), assures us that all of these photos by him were taken on terra firma, albeit, from an undisclosed location up high and adjacent to Encinal Canyon.

Frankly, we think he was operating a remote controlled aerial drone vehicle of some type, no doubt a prototype, strictly classified... on loan from some secret government entity...

In any case, these photos are stunning and we would like to thank Adam very much for sharing them with all of us here.

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos in this particular blog post, namely, "Zuma Beach: In the Camera's Eye..." are by & Copyright Adam Sandler 2015.  Used here with permission).

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