Monday, March 16, 2015

"The Sky IS Falling!... OLS Harry Varnas is Retiring!...

OLS Harry Varnas. Photo by & Copyright Will Maguire 2014.)

Dateline:  Friday, March 13th, 2015...

"They" say that nothing good ever happens on Friday the 13th!... in this case it's certainly true because today it was announced that Harry Varnas is retiring after 28 years as an Ocean Lifeguard Specialist!  You gotta count his recurrent (OL) years too, esp. because those are the most important foundational years where a lifeguard cuts his/her teeth in the marrow of lifeguarding, e.g, rescues, preventions, foot patrols, first aids, the infrequent altercation perhaps, etc. et al.  Additionally, since this blog is dedicated to the recurrent beach lifeguard... you gotta add 10 more years to Harry's illustrious career, which included an early appearance on a game show where Harry was quoted as remarking that one of the reasons he became a beach lifeguard was because of the scenery...  until then none of us had any idea that Harry was that big into geography and marine science.....

The Sky Is Falling!

Say it ain't so, Harry!

We are going to have to reset the clock!... because time stopped when this was announced!  I don't know how the Call Car staff is going to adjust in Central Section.  The Dive Team might as well start over from scratch!  It is just not going to be the same without Harry!

Above, Harry, at left, with OLS Sam Bertolet at Will Rogers Tower #14, Summer of 2010.

Harry: You've earned it, however!  Congratulations and Well Done!


A trip down memory lane is certainly in order and here are a handful of photos to celebrate Harry's nearly 40 year career that started in 1977!

Below, Rookie swim finish 1977.  Harry Varnas, at left, and Ron Pearlman at the finish line  in Santa Monica.  Photo courtesy of Harry.

Below, Harry Varnas at the old style pagoda Brooks tower in Venice Beach... circa 1980.  Photo courtesy of Harry.

Harry Varnas turns in his flipper to Section Chief Chris Linkletter for a golf club at the CSH area Meeting 2015:

Harry holding OLS Pat O'Neill's famous ten pound BBQ Brisket. Harry's known for putting away large quantities of free grub and today was no exception.  Photo courtesy of Harry.

OLS Charlie Picarro welcomes  OLS Cosmo Flynn to the vacant call car spot.  Cosmo, who brags about his Vegan diet, refuses the offer of the Brisket but not the call car shift. Photo courtesy of Harry.

Two old lifeguards pose for the camera during the (2010) Summer of Color during the Will Rogers crew photo session at Tower #14. Photo courtesy of Harry.

Fall 2014 along SMS... Harry, "watching the water!"...

Below, Harry in the middle, Summer 2010... with his fancy camera equipment during the Will Rogers crew photo session for which he volunteered his time and services...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2010, 2014, unless otherwise indicated.)

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1 comment:

  1. Great article and great photos Will.Congrats to Harry on a hood carrier,
