Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ventura Reconn...

Dateline: Saturday morning, Dec. 6, 2014...  road trip to Ventura and yonder...  the photos and the remarks...

Zuma drive by...

PCH is open thru and past Pt. Mugu!  Don't tell anyone!

Reconn/Spy photos, Ventura State Beach...

Ventura State Beach Lifeguard Headquarters, drive by shot (at speed limit)...

close up of state beach lifeguard transport and surfskis... we will have to ask Butki whose skis those are?!...

 Ventura Pier... open to the public, just sayin'...

C Street...

Pray for surf palm tree husk sacrifice and embers...

Surfs up!... don't tell anyone!...

Surfer's Point...


and last but not least, State Beach Lifeguard Truck approaching stoplight just right of center of frame... on patrol... he sees us but probably does not recognize us...  :-)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

... and then we headed north leaving Ventura behind because we had to check out Rincon...from an undisclosed location, well off the beaten track, and well above any surveillance drones...

(All photos by & © Will Maguire 2014.)

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