Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Dateline: Tuesday morning, Nov. 11, 2014 (aka, Veterans Day), along Santa Monica South.  The editorial team of "County Recurrent" took a walk, jog and a swim along SMS this morning and here are the photos that prove it...

Will Rogers drive by... on the way to SMHQ...

SMS looking cloudy...

LACo Dive Team member and Captain, Danny Douglas, just back from a training dive with his dive partner, OLS Harry Varnas...  and check out the Movember "Mustache" on Capt. Douglas!

Looking particularly fit and ready to be cast in the remake of Sea Hunt is OLS Harry Varnas.  

Gone surfing, √

Steppin' out...

"Hey Mom... Hey Dad!... wait for me!!!...   (x-ref: the family that surfs together stays together!)

Going surfing...

Area vehicle inspection underway at SMS Tower #26.  OLS Ian Christensen is all over it!

Last but certainly not least, Happy Veterans Day to all Veterans, especially our LACo OL and OLS' staff that have served in our armed forces.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2014.)

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