Saturday, September 6, 2014

Strafing SMS: Tower #26

Dateline: Saturday morning, Sept. 6, 2014.  Destination SMS Tower #26 to check out the surf and get in some body surfing...

 and then we headed over to Sports Chalet in w.l.a... to check out the fins on display...

I was almost about to purchase this PRO series pair of Churchill fins below.... and then I bumped into a Santa Monica Ocean Park local who told me the pad on the upper edge of the fin actually digs into the foot rather than comforting it...  and so I tried it out and he was right.....  so I chose the classic Makapuu fins (above) as my off duty body surfing fin.

And, of course, the classic DUCK FEET, perhaps the greatest fin in terms of thrust for the ocean lifeguard and approved by Lifeguard Division...


(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2014.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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