Sunday, August 3, 2014

Will Rogers State Beach: As The Crow Flies...

Sunday late afternoon around 5 pm, August 3, 2014 from the bluffs above Will Rogers State Beach.  Why, you ask perhaps...  1) Because we took a walk and wanted to check out the beach; and 2) because we know how much our So. Section colleagues love to see photos of Central Section...  :-)

No sooner did we arrive at the bluffs directly above WRHQ when we heard the telltale call of the Crow... literally!  Right smack dab above us on a branch of a tree stood a very territorial and proud California Crow!...  Stealthily we took a photo with our Nikon Coolpix as he sat checking things out... but when we brought the camera out for him/her to see he/she took off and as a result thereof you get to see Will Rogers... as the crow flies!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

WeekEND Will Rogers State Beach OverWatch: The Video  (aka,  Will Rogers... in and out of focus: the video)

and don't forget to stop and smell the roses, etc...


(All photos & video by & Copyright 2014.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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