Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer 2014 Is Here!...

SMN Tower #11
The Rookie Class of 2014 has graduated and have literally gotten their feet wet!  Is there a rookie that has not yet made a rescue?  We don't think so from the number of rescues we've heard about during their intern days and the first few weeks of working since they graduated.

There's a new crop of fast swimmers too... or so we hear.  The results of the surf swim at the South Bay Dozen last weekend were dramatic... or so we heard this morning while strafing Venice Pier where we saw OLS Andrew Czer off duty and on his skateboard and jonesing for a surf... which he did before we left.

And in the first "County Recurrent" interview with said newly minted/promoted, OLS Andrew Czer, we asked him if he noticed any personality change the first morning he woke up as an OLS.  Diplomatic as ever this UCLA College Graduate remarked that as an OLS he has more responsibilities. No doubt and fortunately this college graduate has the writing skills to document those activity reports, etc., not to mention that he is already a waterman who can surf, paddle, swim and row a dory.

OL Victor Navarro was on duty at Venice Pier and told of some great surf and dory action at last weekend's SB12 in Torrance too!

Note the keen "watching the water" skills above!  Well done!

We also observed a Veteran LACo OL, off duty, giving a longboard clinic south of the Venice Pier...  check out the video below.  Do you recognize him?

Longboard Clinic: The Video

In any case, we wish all of our readership a great summer and remember, as the sign below says:

relax - sun - party


(All photos & video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2014.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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