Saturday, June 28, 2014

Recheck 2014

Dateline: Friday, June 27, 2014, Manhattan Beach, Calif.

You know the drill. Wake up at oh dark thirty and drive sleepy eyed down to the Training Center in "Southern Section!"...  Just another 10 hour day, er, 9 hours.

personal driving glazed donut companion with latest cell phone technology...

early arrival at 0630 hrs...

ready in uniform early with watermelon...

Recheck Swim instructions...
the start...

the first finishers...
first finishers close up...

A full day of lectures, hands on practice of cpr and ventilation, in the water drills, victim extrication and rescue from ocean and backboard, c-spine and transport drills.  Fantastic!



(All photos & videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2014.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

p.s. and then as we were leaving the Training Center, who do we spot driving by... none other than just recently retired LACo Lifeguard Capt. Angus Alexander!... we think he was checking the surf by paralleling the coast... but that is just our opinion...

p.s.s.  Tan Don't Burn... this is from the hour outside on the sand during the recheck...

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