Sunday, June 8, 2014

And Then There Were "Thirty!"...

Thirty.  30.  Count em!   Thirty brand spanking new LACo Ocean Lifeguards graduated this morning from the LACoFD Lifeguard Division Training Academy!  Wow!  What more can we say except perhaps...

Welcome..... Rookies!


We've put together a slew of photos and one video that we shot at the ceremony this morning at Dockweiler Youth Center... but in the meantime the official video produced and directed by our very own Josh Williams has surfaced so we are going to lead with a link to that because it is so darned EPIC!



This morning's ceremony began just after 9 a.m. and we got a few shots of the gathering crowd before the Rookies walked in to take their seats...

and then the rookies filed into the room... in alphabetical order...

Below, the brass and the training academy staff seated at the front of the room...

Training Academy Capt. Evan Cassaday began the ceremony by introducing the LACoFD Brass in attendance, as well as the Training Academy Staff...

LACoFD Fire Chief Osby spoke of the "Legacy" of our department and the responsibility that we each individually have to the public...

Acting Lifeguard Chief Steve Moseley talked about our commitment to save lives and our common bond as part of the lifeguard family...

 Next, each academy graduate was called to the podium to receive their certificate of completion, a photo op with Fire Chief Osby, and a photo opp. with their loved ones...

Below, members of the Training Staff watch the proceedings...

and then the Training Staff recognized several of the rookies for special recognition...

Below, OLS Josh Rosenstein announces the recipient of the Most Inspirational Award:

Most Inspirational

Next, OLS Kyle Power announces the winner of the Waterman Award and which this year because it was won by a female was declared the Waterwoman Award:

Waterwoman Award

OLS Matt Rhodes then presented the MVP Award:


And OLS Kevin Curtis announced the Rookie with the Highest Point Total:

High Point Total

And the Rookie Class Gift and Photo for the Training Academy was presented:

*** Video Alert ! ***

 The LACo Ocean Lifeguard Oath: The Video

 and last but not least, the Rookie Class "WATCH THE WATER" shout out for the crowd

 and then the ceremony ended and the after party began...

Northern Battalion Lifeguard Section Chief, Chris Linkletter, talks to LACo Lifeguard Capt. Dan Atkins (Ret.) and his family, including his 2014 Rookie daughter, son and wife...

Below, close up of (the new Northern Battalion) Section Chief's shoes... #NotOluKai... 

Finally, reprinted below are this Editor's remarks to the 2014 Rookie Class previously posted on our "County Recurrent" Facebook group page:

"County Recurrent" Miscellaneous Memo to our 2014 Rookie Class:

Welcome aboard. It is great to have youth infuse our ranks and we are stoked to have you among us. Your group of just 30 is a very special and elite class. You should know that we are a family, a tribe even. You will soon realize this to be true for you as well. As to the miscellaneous: (1) I strongly encourage you to keep a daily personal log book from your FIRST DAY as an LACo Ocean Lifeguard. Keep track of the date, your hours, your tower, any activity (esp. rescues), and perhaps even the guards you worked with that day. In years to come, it will be a treasure for you to look back on. (2) Wear sunscreen, cover up. I repeat, wear sunscreen, cover up. Use your hat, your long sleeve shirts, etc. as much as possible. (3) Get a good pair of full frame/lens sunglasses to protect your eyes. Start early in your career taking sun safe precautions. Trust me on that. Congratulations on your approaching Graduation ceremony this weekend. You are all about to have the opportunity to save lives which is surely one of the most important and satisfying things you will ever accomplish in life."


(All photos and video herein, except as otherwise indicated,  are Copyright 2014 Will Maguire.)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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