Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Warm again...

Our prediction yesterday was correct. It was back to warmer weather today on the beach along Santa Monica North with the sun out with little haze.  An on shore breeze but not enough to keep the spring breakers away.  Well, see for yourself...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

SMN Vehicle Patrol: The Video

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch Santa Monica On Patrol: The Video

Check out all the kids on bikes... yep, it's Spring Break all right!  :-)
SMPD Beach Vehicle on patrol... helping to keep our beaches safe!  Thank you, SMPD!

And then we looked back to our right toward SMN Tower #12 and noticed the Baywatch rescue boat heading back the way it came and apparently on a call...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Baywatch On Call!...



(All photos & videos by & © Will Maguire 2014.)

p.s. Don't forget to...

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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