Tuesday, March 4, 2014

SMC Golf Classic Announced! LACo Guards Wanted!

Attention:  LACo Beach Lifeguards, past and present...  LACo Veteran OL, Steve Contarsy, who is also the Head Swimming Coach at Santa Monica College (SMC) has extended a hearty welcome and invitation to all of our lifeguards, family and friends to participate in:

The Third Annual SMC Golf Classic:  Friday, May 16, 2014.

Here is what Steve asked us to communicate:

"HEADS UP!!   I am coordinating the 3rd Annual SMC Athletics Golf Classic.  It is a tournament to raise funds for the athletics department and the student/athletes here at SMC.  I think it would be great to get as many of the LACO golfers on the course who want to support a great cause and have some fun playing some golf.  There are 3 ways the guards can be involved:

1.  They can put together a 4-some (flyer attached) and play a round of golf (Really good prizes).  

2.  They can be a hole sponsor.  At the Eagle level they still get to play a round of golf as well (letter attached).

3.  If the guards have some really cool connections or special talents (photography, art, memorabilia, etc.) or they can donate Lakers tickets, Clippers tickets, Dodger tickets, Galaxy tickets, etc. that can placed up for auction at our Silent Auction.

We are really trying to make this a major fund raiser for our department.  Let's see if we can get some lifeguards on the course for a great cause and some fun hitting (we hope) some golf balls.

They can contact me at: contarsy_steven@smc.edu or my cell 310 560-9455.

The tournament date is:  Friday May 16, 2014 at 9:00 AM

Thanks again Will."

 Dr. Steven Contarsy


Details below:


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

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