Sunday, March 2, 2014

Central to Southern StormWatch-03.02.2014

With the surf raging up and down the coast we just had to see it for ourselves.  Now you can too!  Enjoy!...

We begin at Will Rogers Tower #8...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Will Rogers Storm Surf: The Video


Next, we dropped by Will Rogers Tower #4 to check out the surf breaking at the point break known as "Sunset"...

***  Video Alert ! ***

 Will Rogers Tower #4 Storm Surf: The Video


and then we motored on down to Venice Pier...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Venice Pier Storm Surf: The Video


and then we grabbed a cup of coffee nearby at "The Cow's End" on Washington St. and headed on down the coast to Southern Section... where we strafed Dockweiler and made our next stop at El Porto!...

***  Video Alert ! ***

El Porto Storm Surf: The Video

*** Video Alert ! ***

Video #2: El Porto Storm Surf

the true soul surfer practices tai chi as part of his/her pre-surf meditation and stretch...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Video #3: El Porto Storm Surf


and then we took a few photos at Marine St. before heading on down to the Manhattan Beach Pier...

broken board but not a broken spirit!...

and then we executed a flip turn and headed back toward Santa Monica...

Pounding Ginormous Surf onshore at Dockweiler North (aka, Playa del Rey)

Now there's a vehicle fit for the village at Zuma... just add a tent in the back.

That's all Folks!...



(All photos & videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2014.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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