Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hot Dog On A Stick Declares Bankruptcy!

Dateline: Feb. 5, 2014....

Source Info: Santa Monica Daily Press, Feb. 5, 2014
Could you hear the ground shaking?  Did you hear a wail heard across the entire campus of El Camino College?!... 

In an exclusive report to "County Recurrent", grief counselors rushed to the office LACo Veteran OL and College History Professor, ACV, Phd, today after the Associated Press announced that HDOS Enterprises has filed for bankruptcy protection. 

These infamous deep fried hot dogs have spawned many a relationship between beach lifeguards and the employees of HDOS.  Just ask Dr. V.  And not to be forgotten, was another veteran OL, who shall remain nameless here because of his current high ranking position with a Fire Dept in Central California, was even nicknamed, Corndog. 

All hope is not lost, however, as HDOS is heading into Chapter 11 proceedings which will allow HDOS to hopefully reorganize its debts and obligations.  This is a different chapter 11, of course, from Dr. V's seminal treatise on the History of the Snowy Plover on Santa Monica North, wherein the undersigned can virtually guarantee as an instant remedy to sleeplessness...  Hey Now!

Reached at his office at Moorpark College, veteran OL (Ret.) and College Science Professor, E.S., Phd (aka, Sharkman), was quoted as follows:

"I can't believe Hot Dog On A Stick is failing!  Arthur spent a great deal of his free time there spending his lifeguard pay on corndogs and lemonade."

Business Executive (and former LACo OL), E. Moore, was reached at his office in Arizona and told us, "When I was a rookie, Arthur took me to Hot Dog On A Stick on Oceanfront Walk in Santa Monica and introduced me to the manager and the girls working behind the counter.  I never saw a guy eat as many corndogs, with the possible exception of a guard we later nicknamed "Corndog", who I've been informed by the editor of this blog will not have his name revealed until after he retires."


Additional Background and References:

Just in!... from former L.A. City OL & LACo OL & OLS (Ret.), John Thomas:  "No one, and I mean NO ONE!... ate more corn dogs from HDOS than Santa Monica City OL/LACo OL & OLS, Bill Mount!  I think there is even a plaque on the wall at the original venue behind SMHQ honoring Bill for his long and dedicated patronage."


Finally, "County Recurrent" will keep its readership advised as to the hoped for successful rebirth of HOT DOG ON A STICK®.


(Photo by Will Maguire. Used here with permission).

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

*** Full Disclosure:  The bankruptcy filing is for real!  The rest is pretty much parody, rumor and innuendo. ***

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1 comment:

  1. Back in the early 80s, my Dad, who was recently retired from the aerospace industry, took a late career job as an LA County Tax Assessor. He created a new computer program to assess corporate business taxes. To prove his program, he assessed several western LA County businesses including the infamous Hot Dog on a Stick. At one point, in the summer months, they were making nearly $90,000 gross per month. That is a whole lotta lemonade and hot dogs.
