Sunday, October 13, 2013

"The 2013 Rookie Swim; The Report & Photos", by OLS Harry Varnas

Just in from OLS Harry Varnas!

"Great turnout at this years rookie swim.  A big thanks to all the parents, coaches, mentors and alumni who have supported these future rookies.  A lot of support was on hand with many parents in attendance.  Some of the parents were just as fired up, and nervous, prior to the start.

Here are some candid shots that captured the mood that morning.  The set up crew arrived at 5 am.  The training crew along with the fire dept personnel have worked many hours in preparation for the test.  And thanks to the future rookies for hanging in there for a long day.

Unofficially, the top 10 finishers were.

1.  Johnathan Diaz
2.  Robert Smith
3.  Brian Wadely
4.  Tristan Marsh
5.  Jane Miller
6.  Matthew Alberti
7.  Bradley Rava
8.  Thomas Ryan
9.  Joseph Anderson
10. Francis Gon-Gibs

Harry Varnas


*** Thanks Harry! ***

All photos by & Copyright Harry Varnas 2013.  All Rights Reserved.  Used here with permission.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all the special congratulations to those that finished high enough to make the training. Welcome to the family.

    lifeguards for life! BB
